Re: Shakespeare
Brunnen-G, on host
Thursday, January 10, 2002, at 18:29:53
Re: Shakespeare posted by April on Thursday, January 10, 2002, at 14:05:39:
> I would like to see Romeo and Juliet translated to modern English. We are working on the play in my world literature class and a translation would greatly help me. I have to do numerous projects on the play. I understand some of what he's saying, but not too much of it. If anyone would know what exactly Shakespeare is saying throughout the play, please post it as soon as you can.
If you can't understand Shakespeare's language (which *is* modern English, though it can be difficult at first for readers who aren't used to literature from his time), the best thing I can suggest is seeing the play performed. In my experience, a lot of literature classes ignore how the whole point of a play is seeing it performed, not reading it like a novel.
Even if you can't see it in a theatre, there should be plenty of good quality performances of "Romeo and Juliet" available on video -- your school might even have some. The 1968 version by Franco Zefirelli is the one I saw at school, and it was excellent. Modernised retellings like the one with Leonardo DiCapprio are good if you totally have no idea at all what the story is even about, but I assume you're not quite *that* desperate.
If you see it acted, the way it should be, you'll be able to focus less on dry wording and more on the play as a whole, and you'll get much more of a feel for why particular lines are funny or sad or exciting.