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Re: Whitehead, Wright Brothers, Pearse
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Friday, January 4, 2002, at 18:01:03
In Reply To: RBJ #460 posted by Fuzzpilz on Friday, January 4, 2002, at 05:38:21:

> See link. I haven't read the site, but I know what/who it's about because I saw a rather long TV programme on a culture station about the whole affair.
> Personally, I think Whitehead deserves the honour of being the first human to fly, but the Wrights were the ones that made flight known at all.

There was a New Zealand farmer called Richard Pearse who flew a few months before the Wright Brothers, too, but he misses out on the honour because it can't be proven that it was a *controlled* flight. His own letters indicate that he did not believe he beat the Wrights. His machine rose into the air and flew briefly before crashlanding in a gorse bush. Ouch.

Brunnen-"another one of these 'unknown outside his own country' fascinating loonies"G

Link: Richard Pearse

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