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Re: LOTR discussion cum *spoilers*
Posted By: Sosiqui, on host
Date: Saturday, December 29, 2001, at 21:55:32
In Reply To: LOTR discussion cum *spoilers* posted by Issachar on Thursday, December 20, 2001, at 07:19:53:

Okay, my turn... now that I've FINALLY seen the movie! And I had to wait in a darn huge line to do so, too. But it was so very worth it. Wow. My observations...

- The hobbits just plain ruled. Everything about them, size, clothing, the Shire, the scenery, the hobbit-holes... just perfect. I also thought the introduction of Merry and Pippin worked quite well.

- The CG stuff was *amazing*. Many times, I made judgements on whether something was CG or not by figuring that such a thing couldn't exist in our world otherwise. There were only two times when I thought it was a little too obvious that something was CG - the giant eagle (or whatever) that carried Gandalf away from Isengard, and the Watcher in the Water outside of Moria (and I can't remember how to spell Moria now, so don't kill me). I especially liked the crumbling stairway sequence in Moria; that was pretty suspenseful and nicely done.

- Moria freaked me out in the book. It freaks me out MUCH more now. Wow.

- I want to move to Rivendell. Fantastic architecture, especially from my riddled-with-art-history perspective. Among other cool things.

- The wraith-world that Frodo sees when he puts on the Ring is very cool, as others have mentioned... especially the sequence when the Nazgul are *right there* so you can see them as men... oooh. Spookily neat.

- Did anyone else catch that at one point (I think it was after the whole 'second breakfast' thing although I could be wrong) the hobbits and Strider/Aragorn passed a place with large stone trolls looming over? They weren't directly remarked upon, but I thought that was a nice "Oh, I know what that is!" treat for those who read the books, particularly The Hobbit. (I also specifically looked for Nenya on Galadriel's hand, and was pleased to see it there.)

- I was, oddly enough, particularly impressed by Gimli. The casting was darn good everywhere but I think he did an exceptional job.

- The horn of Gondor does sound like an old buggy horn. Sigh.

- The Elvish, with subtitling, ruled.

Sosi"I want to see it again quite badly"qui

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