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Re: The New Year
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Friday, December 28, 2001, at 05:37:29
In Reply To: Re: The New Year posted by Quartz on Friday, December 28, 2001, at 04:03:33:

> My family will probably do what we've done
the last two New Years - have a Three
Stooges marathon. Seems strange, but it
works (but only if you like the Three Stooges in
the first place, I suppose).

I do! Speaking of the Stooges, I heard a great
sound clip on the radio this morning. A local
radio station frequently plays brief, amusing
sound clips in between the songs while the
DJs are talking. (There's more than one DJ on
in the morning, and they often clown around
with these clips while one of the others is
talking.) Anyway, it went like this:

MOE: "Look, a microphoney!"
CURLEY: "And a phoney at the mike!"

I don't know why but that just cracked me up.

Gri"Oh, it was TERRIBLE, just terrible! I'll never
get over it as long as I LIVE!"shny

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