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Re: Christmas Advice for People with Puppies
Posted By: Sosiqui, on host
Date: Tuesday, December 25, 2001, at 10:32:15
In Reply To: Christmas Advice for Stupid People posted by Silon on Tuesday, December 25, 2001, at 06:22:00:

> 1. Those round things hanging on the Christmas tree are not fruit. Do not attempt to eat them.
> 2. Those long, silky things wrapped around the Christmas tree are not Fruit Roll-Ups. Do not attempt to eat them.
> 3. The Christmas tree is not a humongous, oddly-shaped piece of broccoli. Do not attempt to eat it.
> Si"have a merry today"lon

This sounds like apt advice for our 3-month old puppy, Belle. We let her open her first present by ripping open the paper herself. After that, she tried to make a flying lunge at any gift that came within range of her nose.

Oh, and she had ripped open the stuffing of her first present within five minutes of getting it. Evil little teeth she has. But pretty cute nonetheless. :)

Sosi"Merry Christmas"qui

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