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Re: LOTR discussion cum *spoilers*
Posted By: Zarniwoop, on host
Date: Sunday, December 23, 2001, at 15:42:28
In Reply To: LOTR discussion cum *spoilers* posted by Issachar on Thursday, December 20, 2001, at 07:19:53:

Loved the movie. Brilliant, except for two changes that appear to have been made for changes' sake.

1). Orthanc: Orthanc is supposed to be architecture of Gondor. It's the Good Guys' Tower - that's why Saruman's there in the first place. So why, why, WHY does it look like a miniature version of Barad-dur? If my memory serves me correctly, Orthanc is supposed to be completely smooth, with no windows or outcroppings, this is why Treebeard and the Ents can't pull it down. The first time they showed Orthanc, I thought they were cutting to Dol Guldur as, being the place where Sauron hung out when he was regaining strength, it would have made sense for him to redecorate it to look a bit more like home. Why would Gondor manufacture something that looks like it belongs to the Enemy?

2). Caradhras: One of the major themes is that there are some things older and more powerful than Elves, Dwarves, Men, Wizards...anybody. The Balrog is one of them, this is why they all run from it. Tom Bombadil is another, but they got rid of him. Caradhras is another. The reason they can't get over Caradhras is not because Saruman wants to force them into coming by Moria or the Gap of Rohan, it's because Caradhras itself doesn't want them to pass. Why change it? They'd built Saruman up as enough of a threat without having him be able to control what Caradhras does.

Oh no, there's a third, more minor gripe - why all the pratting about on the stone steps before they get to the bridge of Khazad-dum?

And another minor one - they cut Galadriel giving them all cloaks of Lorien, but they were all wearing identical cloaks in the boats (which were the wrong colour anyway) with the same brooch...and this does play a fairly major part of the remannts of the Fellowship chasing the uruks...

And one more, why not? The way they dealt with Aragorn. Almost nothing to explain who he is, or the significance of him carrying Narsil with him (hey, didn't Bakshi screw up in exactly the same way?), or him being good at healing...and the way he just walked off at Weathertop (another bit I thought they fiddled about with much too much)...and the bit at the end was quite silly.

Alright, that's enough griping.

Things I liked: How Jackson managed to deal with cutting most of the journey to Bree. A bit telescoped? Maybe. But the way they got round it was utterly superb.

Gandalf, Frodo, Bilbo, Legolas. BRILLIANT.

The cave-troll. Overdone? Possibly. Does it matter? Absolutely not.

The intro at the start. EXCELLENT! Even if it was in the wrong place...

Gratuitous Invisible Puppet-Strings in Orthanc. (Insert superlative here)


Imladris. (Even if they did cut any explanation as to who Boromir was...and am I the only one who had difficulty telling him and Aragorn apart in places?)

Frodo's view of the world when he puts on the Ring.

And finally...

The boats coming down Anduin, and between the twin statues. Gorgeous, and Aragorn's response...and just plain wow!

Zarn"wow, that dragged a teensy bit!"iwoop

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