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Re: Civil liberties, anyone?
Posted By: Fuzzpilz, on host
Date: Wednesday, December 19, 2001, at 11:37:20
In Reply To: Re: Civil liberties, anyone? posted by The Other Matthew on Wednesday, December 19, 2001, at 05:48:54:

I don't know much about US politics, but if you're putting liberal (considering the meaning of the word) and Marxist viewpoints next to each other, you have to have something mixed up.

I consider myself a left-wing person, but that does NOT mean I sympathize with somebody because they're left-wing, or hate somebody because they're right-wing. The reason for that is that "right" and "left" aren't really valid terms anymore. They don't work very well. An example: Horst Mahler. He was an RAF lawyer, where "RAF" is the German communist terrorist organization (Red Army Fraction), not the British air force. Today, he's a very important personality in the NPD, a neonazi party that's close to being prohibited.

Personally, to stay within your (Quinn's?) example, I think people can think or say whatever they want about homosexuality, as long as they don't try to form an angry mob for murdering somebody, or attempt to get somebody out of their position with that sort of argument. You can spout homophobic paroles as much as you want, I'm not going to try and silence you, whether I like it or not.
Concerning the 2. Amendment of your constitution, I'm very happy and thankful that German laws do not allow anybody to go to the supermarket and buy a shotgun. Nobody I know owns a weapon, and I would NOT want it to be any different. The reward is being able to walk through even the cheapest residential areas of most towns at any time of day or night. Guns are dangerous (duh), and if everybody is allowed to own one, you can be certain that they'll get to the wrong people. If the government gets to judge who the right people are, there's going to be bribery scandals pretty soon. The solution? Only the police are allowed to own guns, and they aren't allowed to just use them as they want. Note that I'm not saying the government of the US should gather every single gun in the country and destroy them, or something in that direction, because that would not work. Sadly.

Fuzz"would write more to support his opinions, but has no time"pilz

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