Re: IT!!
Grishny, on host
Monday, December 3, 2001, at 14:12:50
Re: IT!! posted by Bo on Monday, December 3, 2001, at 13:54:25:
> I missed all the morning show things on it, but I saw it on Drudge Report last night... It looks kind of cool in a novelty sort of way, and I would definitely love to have one... But not for $3,000...
The man who invented it , Dean Kamen, thinks that it will revolutionize modern travel.
"The single-rider Segway, until now known only by its code names IT and Ginger, "will be to the car what the car was to the horse and buggy," Kamen boasted in this week's Time magazine. "Cars are great for going long distances. But it makes no sense at all for people in cities to use a 4,000-pound piece of metal."
I pulled that from MSNBC's report on IT.
Perhaps he's right, but it also makes no sense for people in cities to spend $3000 on a machine to ride around on; a machine that only goes 12mph maximum and has to be recharged every time you use it. You can't carpool on it, and it offers no protection from the elements, either. You could get the same results from a bicycle for a lot less money, yet you don't see majority of city dweller riding their bicycles into work every day.
I just seems like a novelty item to me. I may be wrong, but Kamen's aspirations for his invention seem a little lofty, especially if that figure of $3000 per is accurate. I certainly couldn't afford one.