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Re: GOA Help Please
Posted By: RiftTraveler, on host
Date: Saturday, December 1, 2001, at 21:54:26
In Reply To: GOA Help Please posted by spaghetti on Saturday, December 1, 2001, at 17:50:59:

1. Have you been in the shack of the old man? The one Blood Drops doesn't like anyone to go into?

If yes, proceed to question number 2. If no, immediately leave and go do that.

2. Have you thoroughly explored the basement, clicking on every option more then once, or twice?

If yes, proceed to question 3. If no, immediately go and do thou likewise.

3. Maybe you need to sell something, I don't know. Hmmm. I don't totally remember, but that's probly what you need to do. (Explore the shack, not sell something (though you never know)).

Rift "La de da" Traveler

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