Re: Does anyone...
akscully, on host
Thursday, November 29, 2001, at 10:51:00
Does anyone... posted by SilverMoon on Wednesday, November 28, 2001, at 16:34:08:
France. I know, I know, no one likes the French, but French naval and military intervention kept the (soon to be) Americans going. British navy had a pretty good blockade going, but with the arrival of the French, Britain was no longer dealing with just a colonial navy. Shipping could get through and the trans-Atlantic trade (a key element in American wealth) could continue. In addition, there was a very real possibility that this little rebellion could escalate into another France/Britain slugfest if it continued any longer. Which happened anyways in a few years. So, that along with all the other reasons mentioned (logistics and American tactics are big ones), Britain pulled out.
As for the American commanders...well, they weren't that great. On the whole, they were so-so at best. Most of the British generals were better tacticians (of the "line up and fire" style of war), but either they were more interested in living it up in the colonies, or couldn't adjust to the terrain and "ungentlemenly" tactics of the Americans.
ak"new to this board so...Hey Everyone!"scully
P.S. Oh, almost forgot. The British people themselves weren't wildly for the war. There were a considerable number of people who just wanted to let the colonies go if they were going to be so much trouble. So, not much support on the home front was also a factor.