Re: Perils Help Please
senvy, on host
Wednesday, November 28, 2001, at 14:40:18
Perils Help Please posted by Rebecca on Tuesday, November 27, 2001, at 15:21:23:
> If one conduit is broken & the one isn't,do both conduits need to go in the same direction?
If you have a conduit that points to the east, then to connect it, the conduit that is located to the east, will have to point to the west like this:
=======> <========= conduit one ..... conduit two
And if one of the conduits is broken, let's say to the south, then it can't point that way. So, it HAS to point to the north. A I I I conduit one
And so, the conduit that is located to the north of conduit one, has to point to the south, so they're connected.
I I I V conduit two
A I I I I conduit one
See? (puff, puff)
So, start off connecting the broken conduits in the way I just described, and soon a pattern will emerge.
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