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Still going insane.
Posted By: RiftTraveler, on host
Date: Tuesday, November 27, 2001, at 22:14:48

> 1. Where do I get the sledgehammer?
Have you been as deep into the caverns as you can

Yes I have, and I haven't ofund the sledgehammer. I helped a guy with a busted wheel on his cart, but all he does is say thanks, and then ignore me. Cortez isn't helping me at all, and the guy whose life I saved way down in the sandstone mines has disappeared totally. What's up?

> 2. There's a Tachyone SomethingOrOther that I don't have. Where's that?
You make it - you should have access to the instructions by now

And where are these instructions? I went all over the corolis into every room, and didnt' find anything.

> 6. If it is possible to get a spiffy cola, how do I do it?
it is locked away somewhere

Okay, that's all fine and good, but as previously stated, I looked everywhere on teh Corolis, and didn't find it. A little more help please?

> 7. I have four nanoxite stones, and 5 Peryolitium shards. Do I need more?
I fyou don't mind me saying so, I think you are a shard short of a Tachyon Shield Plate

So where do I find the sixth shard?

I hope Someone can help me. Thank you in advance. I realy appreciate your helpo everybody!

Rift "I wish my brother George was here" Traveler

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