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Re: OneStaple, Part 3375.2a
Posted By: Randy, on host
Date: Tuesday, November 13, 2001, at 14:56:37
In Reply To: OneStaple, Part 3375.2a posted by Lynette on Tuesday, November 13, 2001, at 14:42:09:

> Many of you have been following the OneStaple saga ever since its inception, so I suppose I'll give you the most recent update, and what might very likely be the end.
> At the end of the summer, we absolutely broke off our quasi-dating state. Well, hje broke it off, but I soon realized that it was for the best. I told him that I would need some time off from our friendship, but we fully intended to remain friends. After a little while away at college, we began talking again, and it was all fine and dandy.
> Over the last few weeks, he's made absolutely no attempt to communicate with me at all, except for when I initiate the conversation. It was starting to seem a little weird, so finally, sunday night, I IMed him and asked him if he was mad at me, or just busy, or what.
> What he said was along the lines of "No, you didn't do anything wrong. I am busy, but that isn't keeping me from talking to you. There isn't anything exciting going on here, I just don't have anything to talk to you about anymore."
> I went into a state of shock, told him I was going to bed, laid in bed for all of 3 minutes before I burst into tears, and called my brother, who immediately came to take care of me.
> I was a mess absolutely all day yesterday, and ended up even more confused than I was in the morning. The people I talked to offered explanations ranging from "He's a bastard, and not worth your time," to "Maybe you misunderstood him" to "Maybe he said it wrong" to "Maybe he was just kidding," and every single explanation made at least some sense. Some made more sense than others, seeing as the people here don't know him at all.
> I haven't at all figured out what he meant by it, but I did figure out why I got so intensely upset. Was that all our friendship meant to him? Somebody he told exciting things to? I have a million exciting things - my play being a perfect, and the most applicable, example - that are happening to ME that he knows about and hasn't bothered to ask about for weeks. I've learned so much about myself and about the world in the past couple of months, and for more than a year, he was the person I discussed all of those things with. Now he's not there. I don't have anyone in the world who knows me as well as he does. It's really a little scary to know that he has all this information on me just sitting there now.
> I left him an IM message yesterday afternoon saying "If you get a chance and want to talk, give me a call. I mean, if you don't want to you don't have to, but I'd like to figure out what's going on here." I haven't heard from yet.
> I don't know. I don't know if this is even appropriate to post, right after we heard Brunnen-G's news... but right now, some of you are the people who know me best who I can most easily contact. It's just confusing, and saddening, and disheartening. I just lost someone who, while probably no longer my best friend, was still one of the closest friends I have, and one of the people I cared most deeply about.
> Maybe what hurts the most is that I thought he was one of the people who cared most deeply about me.
> Lynette

As I said in chat...I have no words to say except that my sympathies are with you. I feel really horrible for you. I wish you didn't have to go through things like this. I wish OneStaple realized what he had. But those wishes aren't true now. And that just flat out sucks. I love you sis. I'll be praying for you.

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