Re: trail of anguish
Jet, on host
Wednesday, October 17, 2001, at 16:12:55
trail of anguish posted by hookedonpepsi2 on Wednesday, October 17, 2001, at 14:03:33:
> How do I get the time of day to pass? How can I get my ID card does Chris have it? > What about vera and silus? Do we use the dragon costume to move them, and if so where do we move them to? Any help would be greatly appreciated ... Thanks
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. First, completing certain tasks causes the time of day to change. In your case you wont need for it to change for a while. Second, have u gotten in a fight at the soccer field? If so then look around your car. You will find it by selecting an option that did nothing before. Third, you wont need to mess with them yet. Fourth, yes u do use the dragon costume to move them, just not yet.
Jet"Yes, I am insane. Don't ask."
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