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Re: Rinkworks, The Milky Way & The True Nature of Reality
Posted By: unipeg, on host
Date: Sunday, July 18, 1999, at 12:36:28
In Reply To: Re: Rinkworks, The Milky Way & The True Nature of Reality posted by [Spacebar] on Saturday, July 17, 1999, at 18:54:07:

> > And think about this -- In our galaxy alone there are approximately 10 billion stars. ***10 billion stars***! And only in the Milky Way. Then there are an estimated 10 billion additional galaxies. Earth is *one* planet revolving around *one* (relatively small) star, in *one* galaxy.
> >
> > Wow. :)
> It's not as big as you think! Consider-
> If the population of the Earth continued to increase at its present rate indefinitely, by 3530 A.D. the total mass of human flesh and blood would equal the mass of the Earth. By 6826 A.D. it would equal the mass of the known universe.
> I guess that means that by 6826 A.D. the universe won't be such a big place after all! (Either that, or we'll all be dead, or there will be a massive celibacy program and we'll all be unhappy because no one can have children....or we'll all shrink ourselves down a jillion times somehow so the earth can support everyone...yeah, right...)
> [Space "the final frontier" Bar]

Of course,at this point, no matter what everyone says about overcrowding, if you put the entire population of the world into texas, each person would have their own acre. an ACRE. that means my family would have a nice comfortable, um, 8 acres! woohoo! so. i don't know. i think that contradicts your point. sorry.

uni"hey, hey! that's MY acre, what're you doing? yeah, you! MYYYYYYY ACRE!!!!"peg

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