wintermute, on host
Thursday, October 11, 2001, at 08:53:10
Re: OAT posted by Don the Monkeyman on Thursday, October 11, 2001, at 06:24:29:
> > OK, I give in - I need some help. > > We all do sometimes. :-) > > > A couple of the assignments I've been given seem to be impossible: > > 1) Making a profit on Happy Tokens - I've tried every exchange offered, and each one lost me money. > > Sometimes, life isn't fair. Maybe there's another way to win this game...
Well, at least that confirms my idea that you couldn't actually turn a profit in the trading booths. Hmmm....
> > 2) Getting someone to admit fear - the only person I seem to be allowed to interview (Larry the Jock) gets pretty close to admitting a fear of women, but as many times as I try, I can't close the deal. > > This is a tough one. I solved the puzzle, but I have no idea how I did it. :-) Keep at it, and eventually you'll stumble on it as I did, I think. :-)
I assume I'm actually talking to the right person? There's not another potential interviewee hiding somewhere?
> Don "Those were some tough hints to give. Those problems are TEH EVAL DETH, grem" Monkey
winter"Yeah, Grem. No fair!"mute
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- Re: OAT - gremlinn - Thu, 10/11/2001, 14:13:51
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