Re: Speed cameras
Faux Pas, on host
Saturday, October 6, 2001, at 12:18:03
Re: Speed cameras posted by Brunnen-G on Friday, October 5, 2001, at 23:39:57:
> The cameras here give an identifiable picture of the driver and can be used in stolen-car or other criminal cases besides speeding offences. You also have the right to get a copy of your speed camera photo, if you want it. I heard of one humorous thinker who received a photo, and responded by sending the court a photo of the money he owed for the fine. > > *They* responded by sending him a photo of some handcuffs. He paid up.
True story as reported in the European edition of The Stars & Stripes, sometime around 1988. Over in West Germany, they had some of these traffic cameras set up. This American service member received a fine by mail, but the guy refused to pay it. He said on that date (like a month or two ago), he had loaned his car to a buddy, but didn't remember to whom he loaned it. Therefore, the speeding ticket should go to the person who was driving the care, not the person who owned the car. So they got the photograph. The driver was wearing a Captain America mask.
-Faux "Really." Pas
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