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Re: Jar-Jar, C-3PO, and racism (Heavy Spoilers)
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999, at 09:44:14
In Reply To: Re: Jar-Jar, C-3PO, and racism (Heavy Spoilers) posted by famous on Wednesday, July 14, 1999, at 08:44:05:

> i didn't realize there were 9, how did you find this out? and are they going to make 7, 8 and 9 into a movie too?

Lucas has said this since nearly the very beginning. His current position, however, is that he's abandoned the idea of doing them at all. I would actually prefer it this way. With just episodes 1-6, the series follows a very clear, cohesive story arc, centering on Anakin. It would be very difficult to make episodes 7-9 and not have them look tacked on. I also gather that Lucas only ever had a vague idea for how to continue the story past episode 6, whereas he's had the basic story outline of episodes 1-6 for a long time now. Then again, there are so many conflicting stories, about how much Lucas knew or didn't know and when, that it's pretty much impossible to figure out the truth of the matter.