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Re: Driver's Training Fright
Posted By: Don the Monkeyman, on host
Date: Thursday, October 4, 2001, at 15:06:46
In Reply To: Re: Driver's Training Fright posted by Sam on Thursday, October 4, 2001, at 13:47:21:

> I certainly believe that one should not give in to tailgaters. I refuse to do that, except, I suppose, should I happen to notice that I've inadvertently slowed down too much. But if everybody on the road is driving 80mph when the speed limit is 50mph, it often IS hazardous NOT to speed. Perhaps not all the way up to 80, but the point is if you're on a crowded road and you're going 30 mph slower than the next slowest car, you're a safety hazard no matter what the speed limit is. "Other guy's fault" in an accident is a good thing, but no accident is better.

I have to agree there--I guess I just haven't experienced any roads where this is the case. If I did, though, my leadfoot tendencies would be likely to show up--I am far more likely to speed at highway speeds than crusing sround town anyway. But yes, if I was the only car on a road going that much slower, I would almost certainly speed to reduce the likelihood of an accident--although not as fast as everyone else. Then I'd probably make a call to someone in a position of authortity, asking them to either set up speed traps or change the speed limit in the offending region. :-)

> S "doesn't Canada have no-fault accident insurance anyway?" am

Don "I'm not even sure what no-fault accident insurance is. I can say that people that I know have had to charge things like physiotherapy to their own insurance companies after accidents, but the damage to vehicles is usually paid by the insurer of the at-fault driver and the insurance rates for the other drive don't go up..." Monkey

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