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Re: Jar-Jar, C-3PO, and racism (Heavy Spoilers)
Posted By: Stephen, on host
Date: Tuesday, July 13, 1999, at 23:03:15
In Reply To: Jar-Jar, C-3PO, and racism (Heavy Spoilers) posted by Zarkon on Tuesday, July 13, 1999, at 16:56:09:

> There was the whole crew of the mothership (although only a few are featured with speaking roles), and there was their delegation at the Senate (which was obviously supporting them). There was a large enough sample to draw a few conclusions. Particularly since those folks probably didn't buy an entire droid invasion army by themselves. There's obviously widespread support for their agenda.
> Alright. Here's where it's time to bring Greedo back. He was a badguy (albeit a minor one), and if he was white I -will- eat my hat. But he wasn't obviously a member of some other earth race, either. As for equal time, it would be nice if there was even a -tiny- voice of dissent in the evil race. Just some indication that there was a particle of resistance to the badguys' agenda. I don't think that's too much to ask for.

Okay, here's where your wrong: I don't think the Trade Commission wanted to *invade* Naboo. Sure they weren't the nicest of folk what with the blockade and all, but the entire invasion was Darth Sidious' idea. During the scene where he calls for them to invade the planet it seems to me like the Viceroy didn't want to actually do it -- but he did because he was afraid of Sidious. They were in over their heads, and I think was pretty well shown if you watch it carefully. One of the important messages in SW is about getting led astray and corrupted easily and I think that applies here as well.

And your point about the droid army is a good one: where did they get? Uh, could it be because they had the backing of a soon to be Emperor? Come on, the Trade Federation wasn't even the real villian in the move, it was Sidious.

Ste "I liked the Trade Federation" phen