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Re: Those darn Midi-things
Posted By: Stephen, on host
Date: Monday, July 12, 1999, at 13:50:59
In Reply To: Re: Those darn Midi-things posted by Sam on Monday, July 12, 1999, at 08:40:55:

> > Perhaps it was because the moment was far too technologically inspired. Lucas should know that people don't go to Star Wars movies to hear techno-babble, and yet he had his characters spout off about midichloridians (spelling be damned), which incidentally killed a lot of the mystery surrounding the Force.
> The virgin birth and the midichlorians are two separate issues. Obviously midichlorians was a real pathetic miscalculation and a thorn in the series' side. But don't throw the virgin birth out with the midichlorinated water.

Uh, except that these are the same issue. There's a scene when Qui-Gonn mentions to Obi-Wan that he thinks Anakin was "created" by the midichlorians themselves. And I'm pretty certain that this will turn out to be a correct hypothesis due to the laws of movie logic (if somebody mentions something in passing, it will be important later on).

Ste "Still only seen it 3 times" phen

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