Re: Birthdays
Dixie, on host
Thursday, September 20, 2001, at 09:38:03
Birthdays posted by Minamoon on Tuesday, September 18, 2001, at 17:43:49:
> Well, I just found out in chat that TheOtherMatthew and I have the same birthday. So now I'm wondering who else might share a birthday with me... or with other Rinkies... So, everyone, when's your birthday? > > ~Mina "November 29, 1980, 6:30am" moon
Oh, you make me feel old. I was born on a cold winters morn - otherwise known as 7th January 1979, and trust me if you thought it'd be great to have you're 21st birthday a week after the millennium, noooooo. Anyway enough from me for now:) Oh and I'm back in England now, so you might catch me a bit more than you have recently