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Re: Those darn Midi-things
Posted By: Brandon, on host
Date: Monday, July 12, 1999, at 11:18:01
In Reply To: Re: Those darn Midi-things posted by Sam on Monday, July 12, 1999, at 08:40:55:

> > Perhaps it was because the moment was far too technologically inspired. Lucas should know that people don't go to Star Wars movies to hear techno-babble, and yet he had his characters spout off about midichloridians (spelling be damned), which incidentally killed a lot of the mystery surrounding the Force.
> The virgin birth and the midichlorians are two separate issues. Obviously midichlorians was a real pathetic miscalculation and a thorn in the series' side. But don't throw the virgin birth out with the midichlorinated water.
> > Between the 'Wind in the Door' rip-off,
> What?
> > the identity of C-3PO's creator,
> Not stupid. Wait and see how that comes together in episodes 2 and 3 before downing it.
> > the continued lack of Jar-Jar Binks' death,
> Not stupid. Jar Jar was the same sort of comic relief character that episodes 4-6 had in the two droids -- different, but not altogether out of place. However, culture has changed, and expectations people have for movies of this calibre have changed. Believe me, it's not worth expending the energy hating Jar Jar. You'll be happier about yourself if you accept that this is the type of movie where such a character would be featured.
> > and the incredibly, incredibly racist bad guys who talked like stereotypical Chinese extras
> Complete and utter nonsense. You can't do anything these days without someone finding someway to make it racist. This is ridiculous. Just because this particular alien race may have a stronger superficial resemblance to some particular human race than another doesn't make it racist. Racism is the advocation of discrimination against a particular group of people in favor of another. Nowhere do you see that statement made in the movie, and the continued persistent allegations that there are do far more to aggravate race relations than anything alleged to exist.

Couldn't agree more with everything you said. I, too, was wondering about the "Wind in the Door" ripoff part, but decided to let it drop in favor of the more inflamatory issue :) however, I have read that book about a hundred times since I was a little kid, and I saw nothing of WITD in TPM.

Bran"uses 2 mny abbrvs"don