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Re: Tips for New York Visitors
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Wednesday, September 12, 2001, at 06:53:29
In Reply To: Re: Tips for New York Visitors posted by Grishny on Wednesday, September 12, 2001, at 06:04:02:

> Faux Pas, how close was your workplace to
> the WTC? Have you heard whether or not your
> company's offices sustained any damage?

One block away. The thing that will give you the best idea how close I was would come from one of the amateur videos of the second plane crash.

This is the video where the camera is looking straight up at the towers. You can make out the logo of the Burger King on the corner by the WTC -- the logo is in the lower left. The camera is looking nearly straight up when suddenly a commercial airliner just appears and merges with the tower. The cameraman keeps filming for a few seconds when the debris starts falling. The camera spins as the guy runs around the corner. There's a large tan building that fills the camera view as he runs over to hide behind a car or towards a deli that is right there. That tan building is my office.

If the camera lingered on my building for a few seconds more, you would have seen me jump to the window to see what that big noise was.

-Faux "area map below" Pas

Link: area map, if you're interested