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Re: The Bets Game Evar (except for the blood)
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Thursday, August 30, 2001, at 13:28:00
In Reply To: Re: The Bets Game Evar (except for the blood) posted by Philbee on Thursday, August 30, 2001, at 12:43:42:

> Ummm...I appreciate that I don't understand
the niceties of baseball, being english, but
how can it be the "Bets Game Evar" when
nothing happens? I mean, football (soccer, for
any and all americans out there) matches
often go to 0-0 draws, but then I don't find
many of them interesting. Cricket is even more
boring, but at least things happen in every
over. I've probably got the wrong end of the
stick here, but why is it that people will sit
down and watch very boring stuff, and pay to
do so?

Heh. First of all, you must understand that I
personally have never paid to attend a
professional sporting event of any kind! Hard
to believe, perhaps, but true. We got the tickets
to this particular game free from my father's
place of employment.

Second of all, surely by now you've realized
that the phrase "BETS GAME EVAR" and it's
many variations have become something of a
cliched catch-phrase around here. My usage
of that title was mainly facetious. I don't really
think that Monday nights game was the best
one ever. It was pretty dang exciting at the end,

Thirdly, Monkeyman made a good point-- even
when no runs are being scored, interesting
and exciting events are still taking place on the
field. I suppose my saying "nothing happened"
was another bit of facetiousness on my part,
since actually, there was quite a bit going on,
both on and off the field.

Hope that answers your question!

Gri"the real question: why do we pay
outrageous prices for mediocre food and drink
at said professional sporting events?"shny