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Re: trivia
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Wednesday, July 7, 1999, at 20:00:40
In Reply To: Re: trivia posted by Darien on Wednesday, July 7, 1999, at 19:51:16:

> Well... that was a typo. What I intended to say was "Word Tibia."

Ah yes, that trivia category devoted to questions about that wonderful word we use to describe the thicker of the two bones that make up the lower part of the leg. Did you know that "tibiae" and "tibias" are both legal pluralizations of it? It's one of those Anglicanized Latin words, which would explain it. Now that you mention it, I should give my associate Snook Draddots a heads up about this word. He might like to put up a web page about it.