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Re: trivia
Posted By: Darien, on host
Date: Wednesday, July 7, 1999, at 19:59:38
In Reply To: Re: trivia posted by Sam on Wednesday, July 7, 1999, at 11:29:42:

> I'm sold on "nauseous" meaning "experiencing nausea." He's right that most (not just "many" but "most") use it exclusively in that sense, and if indeed it's been used that way for four centuries, that's fairly persuasive that it's a step of linguistic evolution we should allow to occur.

I still don't buy it. Regardless of how long it's been used that way, it is almost a complete reversal of the original meaning. I'm not good with that. You won't get shot in the face if I catch you using it that way, but I shan't be doing it m'self.

Speaking of peeves, how about the word "forte." How do you pronounce that? "FORT" if you're talking about a strong point, as in "arguing about language peeves is my forte." "fort-AY" if *and only if* you are using it to mean "loud," as in "the orchestra was playing forte."