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Leavin for College...
Posted By: Marvin, on host
Date: Wednesday, August 22, 2001, at 22:03:39

Yep, at 9 tommorow morning, I'll be making the big move to college. It just doesn't seem that this day should be so close. Also, you truely find out how much stuff you own when you have to pack it up and move it. But, yeah, anyways, I'll still be on RinkWorks and stuff (another good thing: my college has a T(some number 1 or 3) line, so now I'll be even better at MoleBot. But if anyone is interested in my address or telephone number, just leave me a /memo in chat or e-mail me and I'll send it to you, starting tommorow and stuff. But anyways, talk to you then!

Mar "How To Identify Trees from a Very Long Ways Away" vin

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