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Re: opposable
Posted By: Morris Cecil Glalet, on host
Date: Wednesday, July 7, 1999, at 09:52:30
In Reply To: Re: opposable posted by Mousie on Tuesday, June 29, 1999, at 14:32:46:

> >
> > "No retractable claws, no opposable toes, no prehensile tail, no compound eyes, no fangs, no wings... *sign*" - Calvin
> Is that my favorite Calvin, of Calvin & Hobbes, you're quoting? Sounds like something that little bugger would come up with....

Yes it is a Calvin and Hobbes quote.

-Morris Cecil "Ich bin nicht eine Käseaffe, aber der blau Kartoffel gehet Quack!" Glalet, Wed 7 Jul A.D. 1999