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My first RinkDream
Posted By: Tess, on host
Date: Friday, August 10, 2001, at 10:52:16

Before I begin the tale of my first RinkDream, I would like to explain a few things. First of all, I just moved out of my parents house on Monday into my own apartment. I am still sleeping on the couch in the living room. It is a very uncomfortable sofa. It's hot. I am sewing/organizing/advertising for a fashion show that I am putting on. With all these things combined, I am a bundle of nerves, and I have been having rather bizarre dreams all week. .. Which brings me to my topic: My first Rink Dream.

It all began when I was in my family's car, going to Mina and Darien's Wedding. (I don't think I have ever really talked with either Mina or Darien very much, but their whole wedding thing has been on the brain since Steph Baker (Mia) got a wedding announcement in the mail, and I was quite taken with Mina's beautiful Caligraphy) The strange thing was that they were having the wedding in an LDS chapel, in Provo, UT, being officiated by a Roy, UT city councilwomen. Stranger yet, my whole family was invited, and we had to fill out this survery because Mina and Darien were doing demographics on all their wedding guests.

Before we could go to the wedding, my father and 12 year old brother had to visit with George W. Bush to discuss the traffic problem in Utah.

We finally got to the wedding, and I REFUSED to go into the wedding until I filled out my OWN demographic survey. I met Mina's mother, and she was very friendly. She gave me a copy of the program, and I sat down and read it. Inside of the program, Mina had personal messages to everyone on RinkWorks. I remember only a few. To Howard she said, "I will always remember not to drink the whisky in Vegas." (????) To Athaleon she said something about how beautiful his dragon wings were, and how she thought everyone should make their own black dragon wings out of felt, and glue black rhinestones to the wings. She was quite adament about how beautiful they were (even though I thought they would be nicer out of black satin), and she even wore a pair for a small time.

Finally, I filled out the survey, and I was quickly ushered into the chapel. The ceremony was about to begin, so I rushed and sat down very quickly. Strangley enough, I was with some catty girls from my high school. They were being very rude, and asking to change seats around to sit with their friends. I didn't think that was a very nice thing to do at a wedding, so I implored them (by bugging my eyes out, and pursing my lips) to please shut up. Before I could get my message completely conveyed. . .A whole TON of people rushed into the chapel to see the wedding (in STREET clothing none the less, I was QUITE appalled). They would NOT sit down, and the whole procession was beginning, so I was forced to stand.

Then, the procession began. It was lead off by about 5 small girls in Daisy Kingdom™ Dress's (A very fluffy, very flowering brand of small girl dress's. I used to work at a fabric store, and we sold the patterns for the dresses), then 5 little girls in Regency period ball gowns, 5 little boys in Ski parka vests, and then just GOBS AND GOBS more children. I think it took 5 minutes for the whole procession of children to pass by. Then, finally, the bride and groom. They both wore white, and they walked in together. They were both smiling as wide as possible, but seemed on the verge of tears.

Why reached the "podium" (which was a little black music stand), the Roy City Coucilwomen said the most bizarre ceremony, "Do you promised to cherish eachother in sickness and death until you die?" The both said, "I do." Before she could finsih the ceremony, the councilwomen BURST into tears, moved by the sheer beauty of it all. Then Mina and Darien looked at eachother, and their eyes started watering...they were on the verge of tears, too. Finally, the lady spit out, 'You can kiss eachother." And they burst into tears, hugged, and gave eachother a big smooch. By this time everyone was crying, but I refused to cry, I didn't think it was a very nice ceremony at all (nothing personal, Mina or Daren ;).

Then I realized it was 8:46 and I was supposed to be awake. So I woke up. I remember all the craziness of this dream because I have been recounting my bizarre dreams to my roomate every morning, and I told it to her directly after I woke up. I think she is beginning to suspect I spend too much time on RW's. .. Just craziness, crazy crazy crazy. I am curious as to what craziness I will be dreaming tonight. . .

Miss Tess

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