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Posted By: Melanie, on host
Date: Saturday, August 4, 2001, at 11:29:25

Having been bored and wanting to post, I decided I should. On what topic do you say? I was lured to this thread by the promise of cake... Well cake you shall get my friends, but be patient.

I went to a festival in my town yesterday. They have it every year. The church sets up lots of booths to make money. There is gambling, candy, and lots of weird things for sale. All and all it is pretty entertaining.

Now comes the part which is relavent to cake. At the festival they have a booth with a wheel. There are forty spots, and each spot has a number. They spin the wheel and if the spot which you have a quarter on is the same number as the one the wheel lands on, then you win a cake.

So, on going to the festival in a cake sort of mood, I decided to try to win one. First I picked the number 33. Why 33? I dunno, it was the first number open. Anyway, I blew five dollars on 33. No cake. Then I went for a quick cotton candy break.

After an hour or so, in which I managed to swindle my father out of seven dollars and seventy five cents(for the cotton candy which I shared with him. It was a dollar fifty, but interest is steep in our modern world), I returned to the festival. For a while I was distracted from my cakey goals by an Indian dice booth, where I managed to win a candle after four tries. Anyway, our story continues...

My next number choice was 6. I was loath to go back to the number which had been so unlucky before, so I decided to go to the opposite side of the booth. This did not prove helpful. After spending five dollars on six, I flipped a coin to see if I would win if I stayed there. Heads meant a win, tails a loss. Two out of three I got tails, so I moved on.

Now, again I didn't want to go back to the 33 spot, so I decided to go into the middle spot. Unfortunately, this is the most sought after spot at the booth. The people were two and three deep in spots! So, using my gigantousity(I'm 6'1 for those of you who haven't had this conversation with me in chat) I managed to force a few old ladies out of the way and grab the number 16.

Now, this really old guy turns to me and says, "Stealing my spot at 16 are you young 'un?(Well, maybe he didn't say young 'un exactly, but it was implied). You ain't even 16!(I am actually) Just for that I hope you don't win!"

Then of course I was jinxed! I spent my last remaining money in a hopeless attempt to try and win with that bad luck hanging over my head. No matter what I did, blowing on the wheel, pleading with the wheel, shouting curses at the wheel, weeping like a child, none of it worked!

Several hours passed. My quarter supply was rapidly dwindling. I was almost ready to call it quits. Then, a miracle happened.

I put my quarter down on 16. The sound of the crowd in my ears urged me to continue for cake glory. Suddenly they spun the wheel. I watched, rapt, waiting for it to finally come up my number.

Then, the booth owner yelled, "21!"

I'd lost again. No cake for me. Sadly I put down another coin in my hopelessly jinxed crusade.

Then the booth owner spoke up again, "Umm, who won on 21? Anyone?"

This went on for a few seconds. No one stepped forward to claim the cake.

Jokingly I said, "Yeah, sure it was me..."

I thought they ignored me, but the man gave me a sympathetic look and whispered to the guy next to him:

"Hey, this girl's been standing there for hours and hasn't won at all. It's really sad and pathetic. Maybe we should let her have the cake, since no one is claiming it..."

So then he turned to me, and said, "Go ahead, pick a cake."

And I said, "What, I didn't hear you? Could you speak up?"

And he said, "Pick a cake, you can have one."

And I said, "I can have a cake?"

And he said, "YES, TAKE A CAKE ALREADY."

So I walked out of there with the very best cake in the world. Angel food cake with strawberry frosting. And I earned that cake, by being the most pathetic, sorry looking human being on the planet. It was one of the most proud moments of my life.

Mel"*weeps copiously* It's so beautiful!"anie

P.s What's everyone elses favorite cakes? Not that any of you can convince me that Angel food cake with strawberry frosting isn't TEH BETS C4K3 3V3R!!!111 But still, I am curious...

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