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Re: Where do they get those names?
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Friday, July 27, 2001, at 19:03:58
In Reply To: Re: Where do they get those names? posted by Zarniwoop on Friday, July 27, 2001, at 00:04:16:

> > I wonder how many millions and man hours were wasted coming up with the Ford "Focus"?
> Well, it's not as bad as completely ensuring that your care will never sell in any Spanish-speaking country. Yup, it's the Vauxhall Nova. Or, literally translated from Spanish, the Vauxhall Doesn't Go.
> Speaking of Ford...the reasoning behind Ford Prefect's name in The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy is this, in case anyone doesn't know: Ford arrived on Earth at a time when Ford had just brought out a new model - the Ford Prefect. The Prefect was hugely popular, so Ford wasn't mad, he was just naming himself after the most proliferent life-form around, based on his minimal research.
> Zarn"what a bunch of idiots"iwoop

Let us not forget the Ford Maverick which was named for an unbranded cow.

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