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Posted By: Silon, on host
Date: Thursday, July 19, 2001, at 09:17:16

I Babelfished some things on RinkWorks today, including these three.

The introduction to Fun With Words:

Recreation with words
a celebration of English

let us use We it each day, but we never learn that all there must know him, nor we never finish extracting all the pleasure which can be had with him. English is in charge of the recreation. Which is the longest English word whose letters are arranged in the alphabetical order? Which words are their clean antonyms? Which word means " to make steal a frog or a clamping plate upwards in the sky "? These questions and much more are answered in the recreation with words.

I Think #158:

A few years ago, the Zealand News started to manufacture their paper money starting from this substance plasticky which is allegedly better than paper because it is not folded correctly and not thus, anyhow to much crushes it you in a stopper, increases in your pocket and consumes all space available. Was the excessive space of pocket apparently a major problem to the bottom there, but here in America which we have the more pressing matter of the flight to face with I think than should start to us to manufacture our money starting from blocks of ash " love you that in small blocks or large blocks? " Nobody would try to steal the money of block of ash, and if they they could not with the outrun the pirns of wire. You would not destroy the money by slackening it by distraction, because you would hear the his checkmate, and if the fall of the money cash harmed to somebody property, you would leave it just there to cover the costs. Like added allowance, we would create jobs. The individuals previously without employment could find the money of support of work for the old people and keep a percentage of him for their wages. The banks would save on the armoured trucks, therefore. The money could serve as its own armour.

First message posted on the Message Forum:

Welcome with our new forum of message! If all is well I worked all the folds out of this thing. If you note anything acting strange, slacken to me a note while cliquetant on my name, in top. Have the recreation! Cut fun!

Si"loves the BabelFish"lon

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