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Re: Whew
Posted By: Issachar, on host
Date: Friday, July 2, 1999, at 09:16:24
In Reply To: Re: Whew posted by Sam on Friday, July 2, 1999, at 08:40:20:

> > Anyone who gets better than a 50% on the RinkWorks trivia category either has a second browser window open to look up the answers, or absolutely *has* to get a life.
> Or is me. What disturbs me more than anything is that I did it and missed a question.
> How do you do on the biblical one?

It's been a few hours ago, but I think I got something like 80% or so. Are you *sure* that "Pharoah" is the correct Biblical spelling? I took a look at that question and thought, "gee--all three words are misspelled." The word is usually spelled "pharaoh" (transposing the 'a' and the 'o'), but maybe back in King Jimmy's day, they spelled it differently. I was pretty pleased with myself for getting a few correct that I thought were relatively obscure, and of course I kicked myself for missing one or two that I should have known. Fun stuff!

Iss "RinkWorks got me to start bringing my Bible to work" achar

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