Re: Japanese attack
Grishny, on host
Tuesday, July 17, 2001, at 09:17:29
Japanese attack posted by Howard on Monday, July 16, 2001, at 18:36:06:
That brings back a bit of nostalgia for me. We lived in Charlotte, NC from when I was 7 years old until I was about 10. We had a couple of trees in our front yard there; I don't know what type of tree they were, but they had deep-red colored leaves, and the Japanese beetles loved them. They used to descend about the same time each year en masse on those two trees. The entire tree would be almost completely covered by a big beetle blanket. It didn't really bother me that they ate all the leaves off those trees. I thought the beetles with their shiny rainbow-hued shells were neat looking.
Gri"big beetle blanket - HAA!"shny