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Re: Rinky ACTION Figures
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Monday, July 16, 2001, at 21:41:00
In Reply To: Re: Rinky ACTION Figures posted by Kiki on Sunday, July 15, 2001, at 04:06:55:

> >Nanook the Hunky
> That is amusing in so so many ways.... not the least of which is that 's' and 'n' are nowhere near each other on keyboards. You have a little something for a stuffed animal, eh? Does your husband know about this?

No, but the other night we found our cat, Pixel, snuggled flat on her back with the bedcovers pulled up to her chin, her eyes closed, and her front paws sticking out straight into the air. She was cute. Just like a plush toy.

As for the 's' and 'n' business, I guess that appears to be an example of me doing some automatic writing (where your typing just gets ahead of itself).

> Ki"I have Nanook too, but I renamed him Juneau... or Jeunau... or however you spell that"ki

Come to think of it, 'Nanook' is a vaguely insulting name taken from that "Nanook of the North" documentary. The book notes say that the real name of the Inuit who portrayed the film's "Mighty Hunter" was 'Allariallak,' not Nanook. So. Think I should follow your lead, and rename my hsuky to something more suitable like Nunavakuniuk? How about PtangPtang(click)NikiskiTawa'Sheklukshuk?

Naw, that last name might be better suited to describing You Know Who of the Rinkforum.

Wolf "The capital of Alaska is JUNEAU and not Anchorage? Well there you go. I'm learning something new every day." spirit