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Re: Things, Stuff and Nonsense.
Posted By: illyandra, on host
Date: Friday, July 13, 2001, at 20:42:59
In Reply To: Things, Stuff and Nonsense. posted by Bourne on Friday, July 13, 2001, at 00:11:59:

> What does everyone else collect? I can't be the only person thats made his friends have Blackstar do a video hunt just so that they could find a copy of the alternate ending of "Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness" or an ex-rental "Pump Up the Volume"?
> "He may not be clever but he sure is...ummmm..."
> Bourne
> Oh yeah; IMDB lists (in the goofs section) for High Fidelity that they mention "Evil Dead 2" but actually discuss "Evil Dead 3" (e.g. "How can he make shotgun ammunition in the 14th century?") - This should be an "incorrectly regarded as" as Evil Dead 2 ends with Ash blasting a flying Deadite after being sucked throught he time portal - which could have provoked the conversation mentioned in High Fidelity.

Not being male, and not really commenting on the question brought up, I must apologize beforehand. Army of Darkness is the BEST movie ever! One of those movies you can quote forever. Hilarious to watch too! As for the making shotgun ammo, I think it's more important to wonder how he rigged up a chainsaw to fit onto his stump of a hand. =)

illy"shop smart, shop s-mart!"andra