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Re: Rinky ACTION Figures
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Thursday, July 12, 2001, at 19:30:48
In Reply To: Re: Rinky ACTION Figures posted by Darien on Thursday, July 12, 2001, at 17:05:54:

> > Well, think of the possibilities. How about an Action Figure of Brunnen-G on the Kobayashi Maru? How about a dollhouse, er I mean an "Action Figure Tableau" of Dave Parker, heroically posed alongside our genteel and compassionate Sam? How about... well you get the picture.
> Heh. We should send them the South-Parkian pictures Brunnen-G drew of us and have them make us action figures. That would be excellent.

Right. But first, we should insist that Stephen's RinkPark image actually DOES sport just *one eye* in the middle of his forehead, like 'Leela' from Futurama. It's a spitting matchup. I think a cyclop makeup job looks waaay more chic on him when paired with his club and cape.

Of course none of us could be held responsible should the new Stephen Action Figure™ happen to have a horrible, horrible accident involving a rubber band and a squeezy dog teething ring. Who knows, the Supreme Dictator might even look MORE handsome without the extra arm and legs which are currently burdening him. Poor Stpehen.

> Dar "Inaction figure" ien

Wolf "Nono wait, that's Iss' tagline for downtime!" spirit