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Re: Update on ... Howard
Posted By: Calvin, on host
Date: Thursday, July 12, 2001, at 19:00:37
In Reply To: Re: Update on ... Howard posted by Howard on Thursday, July 12, 2001, at 11:11:33:

My first flight ever was on a DC-3 from Knoxville, Tennessee to Asheville, North Carolina. My next flight was also on a DC-3 from Key West, Florida to Havana, Cuba. I wanted to see more of the Gulf of Mexico, so I returned to Key West on a ferry hauling around 45 cars. Those were the good old days!
> > > interrupted by moments of stark terror.
> > >
> > > I thought that's what they say about warfare.
> > > I've flown commercially quite a bit (although
> > > certainly not as much as Howard, I'm sure)
> > > and I've never experienced even a
> > > microsecond of stark terror.
> > >
> > > Gri"driving can be that way"shny
> >
> > Oooh, this leads to an interesting question! Howard, do you happen to know how many miles you've flown? Even though I read all of your posts, I don't think I can venture to make such a guess, but I'm sure the answer will shock most of us.
> >
> > Ell"curious, as usual"myruh
> I'm sure it would shock me too, if I knew the answer.
> I had flown only a little before daughter Laura went to work for Eastern about 17 years ago. She stayed there about five years and when they folded, she went to work for United.
> I've lost track of the times I've flown to California, but I'd guess at least 30. With Eastern I went through Atlanta and with United, it's usually through Chicago. My next trip to Hawaii will be number 12. I usually hop from island to island on Aloha or Hawaiian, but somtimes I can connect with United bewteen Oahu to one of the other islands. I have also flown to London, Boston, Anchorage, Miami, Memphis, New Orleans, San Juan, Denver, Vancouver, Pheonix, Orlando, Norfork, Washington, Guatamala City, Kansas City, Birmingham, and maybe others I can't think of right now. My "home" airport is Knoxville, Tennessee and I always rate it as my favorite. That's because when I'm there, I'm either going someplace exciting or I'm just getting home. I've flown in everything from a J3 Piper Cub to a 747. I once had a ride in a sailplane and a couple of times in a military helicopter. One of my favorite airplanes is a DC3 which was designed in the 1930's and got commercial aviation off the ground, so to speak. I enjoy low and slow or high and fast, props or jets. But I also enjoy driving the car, as we did when we went to Myrtle Beach. There is no such thing as a bad trip.
> Howard