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Leavin' on a jet plane...
Posted By: Sosiqui, on host
Date: Thursday, July 12, 2001, at 08:54:21

Well, looks like I'm the next in the line of Rinkies high-tailing it out of here... temporarily. :) This morning, I leave for a three week trip to Europe. This will be the first time to Europe since we moved back (after living there for five years) eight years ago. We will spend 1 1/2 weeks in Holland, in the small village where we lived; and then fly to England for 4 days in London and a week on a cute little canal boat in the countryside. It should be quite fun, and I'm very excited!

I won't have internet access on the trip, except for a brief stint on July 22nd or 23rd (during which I'll pop in and check up on the goings-on here, of course!) and POSSIBLY on July 28th (my birthday; I'm asking to be able to visit an internet cafe then for an hour or so, heh!) so I obviously won't be around. I'll miss all you guys a lot, though! And I will be taking notes, Sam-style, for a nice Adventures With post when I return. That should also be quite fun. :)

You guys take care, and you RinkyDinks going to the RinkUnion have TONS of fun, you hear me? ;) I'll definintely think of you guys on the 28th, which is also my 20th birthday. :)

See you all in 10 days, and then on August 4th, when I return!


PS. Oh, and if for some reason you have a pressing reason to need to contact me, I CAN get email in 10 days, but only web-based mail - NOT my mail. So if you need to email me for something or other, send it to instead of my other email address or instead of memoing me in RinkChat. Thanks! :)