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Re: A deep thinker's thoughts...
Posted By: Minamoon, on host
Date: Monday, July 9, 2001, at 08:12:50
In Reply To: Re: A deep thinker's thoughts... posted by Mike, the penny-stamp man on Saturday, July 7, 2001, at 21:20:11:

Not to look like I'm agreeing with PennyStamp or anything, but he's right- I know, at least, in my own high school years, what I considered to be "deep thought" was really just angst. Which is not at all to say you're stupid or anything- I think we've all been there, at some point or another. Most of the adults I see every day never grew out of their teen-angst stage.

But, like everyone else has said- the best is yet to come. While in high school, you think it's the greatest- I know I did. But as you get older, you get a better and better idea of what's important, and what's really meaningful. And if you really want to be a "deep thinker," dwelling on the past is exactly the wrong thing to do.

I'm willing to bet that in a few years, if you look back on what you're thinking and feeling now, you'll realize you've grown a great deal. That's something to strive for, and that's what remembering the past is for.

Which reminds me- you are right about remembering. But do not dwell. I spent two years mourning a failed high school relationship before I learned that, and it made my life (and my fiancé's!) miserable. Don't get so nostalgic that you forget about what's real and now.

Good luck to you! The college years are great fun- you've got a lot to look forward to!

~Mina "sorry for rambling on and on and on and on and on..." moon