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whelmed again
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 30, 1999, at 11:13:52

It didn't look good for the garden this year. Our soil test was lost in the mail. It frosted shortly after we planted those first few rows. Then the bugs began and the rain stopped. Then suddenly everything turned around. The potato bugs and Japanese beetles were not so bad, rain came when we really needed it and we didn't need that darned soil test anyway. Even the frost had no effect because the seeds hadn't sprouted yet.
Now the garden has "hit." Beets, beans squash, peppers, onions and cucumbers have whelmed us. No, make that overwhelmed us. The freezer is loaded with beans and rows of pickled beets are on the shelf. The tomatoes are beginning to get ripe and they are still loaded with green ones. The corn blew down in a storm, but it seems to be producing anyway. The birds got all of the blue berries and most of the cherries, but I guess they have to eat. All an all, it's been a good year.

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