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My first day on my Summer Job
Posted By: Kaz!, on host
Date: Tuesday, July 3, 2001, at 19:17:01

Ah, my first day of work for the my summer job....and what an interesting first day it was too. Definatly quite different from what I expected.

Now, my job description was fairly simple: Work from 8:00am to 4:30pm and, in that time, do various landscaping/gardening/weeding/maintainance/whateverisneeded around the area for $10 an hour.

The first six hours were about what I expected. I did a lot of weeding around a few flower beds, then airated the soil and watered them (It was more tedious then it probably sounds...big flower beds with a LOT of weeds). And I got a bit sunburned, despite wearing sunscreen. There's no shade! Well, anyway, after those flower beds things started to get a bit interesting.

At around 2:00, my boss came and drove me to SIMCO, where I had to fill out a few government forms because I was working. During this time though, my boss managed to COMPLETELY mess up one of the computers of one of his friends at SIMCO by accident. As in, he somehow managed to uninstall about 5 drivers from it. I'm still not sure, exactly, HOW he did that, but that's what happened. Anyhow, then I come in. I, of course, at least sort of know what I'm doing with computers. So, I got to try and fix it all up. But they didn't have the Windows CD (and I sort of needed that) so we went back to my place quickly, grabbed all the needed computer stuff, went back to SIMCO and I fixed up their computer for them. So, fixing up computers...not exactly part of the job description, but not exactly bad either. But it didn't stop there. My boss figured that I was some sort of computer genius or something so he took me to one of his other friend's house (this was after my job technically ended, by the way, so this became more like 'volenteer work' because I don't get paid overtime). Now, his friend decided to reformat. But didn't have the things needed to reinstall his operating system. So, I started on that....but it took FOREVER (heck, it's still not don't I'm going to have to finish it up tomarrow) because he has a 486 33MHz machine. It has a big enough hard drive and all, but it's SLOOOOOOOOW! So, I started that long process. But about an hour through, my boss had something ELSE to do with computers for me to do. He wanted some pictures off of a digital camera to be moved, well, off the camera for something. Well, the digital camera he had just happened to be the exact same model as the digital camera I have. So we went back to my house and put them onto 9 disks for him. Then I went /back/ to his friend's house to continue with the awfully slow install. I left at around 7:00pm, because I wanted to get home and eat dinner, and setup had 339 minutes remaining, as it reported. And it was just starting to copy the stuff from the Windows CD. I figured that it would probably be best to leave it on overnight and then mess with it more tomarrow. So then I had dinner. You'd think that I'm done, right?

Nooooo I'm not. I get a call from my boss saying that the first picture on each disk won't open on his Mac (I don't really know why, they all work fine on my computer). So he's comming back here as I write this to get a few certain pictures. And I hope that after that's done, I'm done for the day. And though I don't actually get paid for any overtime... he says that he'll try to pull a few favours from a few friends he has working at Microsoft and get me a copy of MS-Office XP free (about an $800 value, if memory serves, so I'm not complaining! Oh, and yes, it will be a LEGAL copy). And so that was my first day at work on my summer LANDSCAPING job. :-)

And I can just see this entry on my resume too.... "Worked for the WHHA as the following: Landscaper, gardener, general grounds maintainer, computer technition."

-Ka"Despite the sunburn, I think this job's better then a cubicle job..."z!

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