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Still stuck on Story Hunt, Story 4, Chapter 12.
Posted By: Jasper, on host
Date: Sunday, July 1, 2001, at 18:23:10

> I am unfortunately stuck on Story Hunt, Story #4 (Strong Woman and the Renegade), Chapter 12.
> I would appreciate it if someone could help me progress to Chapter 13.
> Jas"I progressed from 11 to 12 last summer, and have let it sit since then"per

>This one is slightly obscure. Focus on the third line -- it looks like just a filler line, but it's really the most important part of the riddle.

First of all, thank you very much, gremlinn, for helping me out with this chapter. I truly appreciate it

However, I've searched everywhere I can think of, and I'm still really stuck on this thing. And I NEED to know if and how Jill Slayburgh defeats the evil enchanter Enther Nyss! Can I please have another tiny hint to point me in the right direction?

Jas"okay, maybe not NEED, but definitely WANT ;)"per

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