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Re: Stephen vs Stephan
Posted By: Stephan, on host
Date: Thursday, June 28, 2001, at 01:17:49
In Reply To: Re: Stephen vs Stephan posted by Stephen on Wednesday, June 27, 2001, at 20:06:43:


> I suppose me saying that I am not Stephan wouldn't really help, would it? For the record, I'm not Stephan.

Hmm, after ascertaining the situation I conclude that the craziest thing I could do is to claim that I *AM* Stephen and dare you to prove me wrong. If it turns out that I am right I'll earn a prize for the most gross split personality there is. Some time ago I heard that there is a TLA for this: MPD (meaning Multiple Personality Disorder).

Thorough perusal of my postings will, however, uncover that in ONE of them I have posted my full RL name :-) And since I do not consider it to be a big secret here it is : Stephan Wilms. With "living close to the Belgium border" I hinted at the fact that I live in one of Germanys nicest and oldest cities of all : Aachen, city of emperors (Charles the Great aka. Charles le Magne aka. "Karl der Grosse"), city of popes (at least one, but I forgot the name), city of culture and city of horses (CHIO).

We even got some free apartments here and there, so feel free to move to Aachen, if you'd like a change :-)

How did I end up here ? How did I get myself into all this ? Since you asked (or were about to) : I found this site through my most favourite game of all times : Ultima Online. In the UO community the Fantasy Name Generator is very well known. Once I was here I somehow got hooked :)


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