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Re: Rich In Society
Posted By: Dan, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 29, 1999, at 05:48:59
In Reply To: Re: Rich In Society posted by Chandler on Tuesday, June 29, 1999, at 00:29:39:

I did not mean to disparage ALL the rich folks. Just the ones who want to leave a mark on history and, by doing so, devalue the worth of many other people's lives.
I was talking about the whiners who deem themselves in possession of more common sense and human decency than the populace at large and, accordingly, take the time and expend the resources required to have legislation enacted that makes life just a little less bearable.
In the past, a sense of common decency would prevent most people from doing the things that the majority of legislation enacted in the last 15 years bans. And who now pays for enforcement of the uniform lawnmowing ordinances, the anti-cuss laws, the myriad other trifling, snooty-minded laws?

No, I don't disparage the rich people whose attainment of wealth brought about a better way of life for countless other folks.
I look in disdain at the ones who use their wealth to campaign to make life miserable for their neighbors AND at the spineless legislators who enact such ordinanaces in order to curry votes in the next election.

I'll shut up now. Promise.