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Re: another co-rinkydink
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 27, 2001, at 05:18:22
In Reply To: Re: another co-rinkydink posted by LaZorra on Tuesday, June 26, 2001, at 19:17:49:

> Pastor Schettler for Bible...

Ah, yes. Good old Pastor Schettler. I'll never
forget one of his last-chapel-of-the-semester
message illustrations. The text was II Kings
4:38-41. He had a huge black cauldron up on
the platform full of items that represented sins
that we could fall into while we were home for
Christmas break. He lifted them out one by
with an oar, and each time he would yell
"DEATH in the POT!"

I think sometimes he tried too hard. I don't
remember much about that message, just
how entertaining the illustration was.

Gri"DEATH in the POT!"shny