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Re: An interesting debate point
Posted By: wintermute, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2001, at 09:02:35
In Reply To: An interesting debate point posted by Zarniwoop on Tuesday, June 26, 2001, at 08:50:58:

> There has been much debate in various club bars over a player by the name of Alastair Sykes, who admitted (after about five pints one evening) to have voted for the British National Party, a group of far-right fascists. The next afternoon, he confirmed that not only did he vote BNP, but that he was proud of having done so. The debate is over what to do with him. Most of the Seconds, and a few of the Firsts who've played in the Seconds, think he should go, including the captain. The rest of the Firsts, the groundsman and most of the Third XI say that his voting choice is his own business.
> What does the Forum think? Should Syksie stay or go?

While I agree that the BNP are the most reprehensible party in British politics and I was upset to see that in my constituency they polled more votes than the Monster Raving Loony party, I don't think that his political preferences should affect his standing in a sports orgainsation - that's the thin end of the wedge of fascism.

If he has ever been overtly racist within the club, it would be a different matter, but personally I wouldn't blackball him just because of which way he voted.

winter"I certainly don't approve of people voting BNP, but that's democracy, right?"mute