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Re: Have you hugged your anti-perspirant today?
Posted By: julian, on host
Date: Monday, June 25, 2001, at 23:28:23
In Reply To: Re: Have you hugged your anti-perspirant today? posted by Faux Pas on Monday, June 25, 2001, at 09:56:25:

> > Um.
> >
> > The real shame of it all is that if someone actually were to smell "genuine," they'd smell like... sweat.
> >
> > Mou"genuine... but also 'shower fresh'"sie
> I've always wondered why Mennen's "Sport Scent" didn't smell like sweat.
> -Faux "Hey! A deoderant that smells like sweat! How much?" Pas

Isn't that just becasue it's for people who want to sport a scent?

jul"sport sport sport sport sport sport sport sport sport sprot sport strop sport sport tsorp"ian