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Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Monday, June 25, 2001, at 15:50:21

I can't draw cartoons, so you'll just have to imagine it.
Two goats are talking. One says, "What deodorant?"

Two pigs are munching corn and one says, "Have you ever noticed that there are no old pigs around here?"

Two horses are hitched to a wagon and one of them says, "It's not the same as political pull."

A cow and a calf are standing in the pasture and the calf says, "Got milk?"

Two dogs are sitting on a corner and one says, "It's a human's life."

It could be the same two dogs. One of them says, "OK. It's hot and it's August. But do they have to blame it on us?"

Two birds are sitting on a wire and one says, "I hear there's a new car over on the next block."

Two bugs are smashed against a windshield and one gasps, "I bet you don't have the guts to do that again."

A giraffe is talking to a camel and the camel says, "And don't call me shorty?"

A hippo is talking to an impala. He says, "I don't see how you do it. I've tried everything."

Two snakes are talking and one says, "But on the other hand we don't have to buy shoes."

Two parrots are sitting in their cage, and one of them says, "Don't you ever shut up?"

I didn't say they were original.

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